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Subscribing to Scouts-L

The act of SUBSCRIBING to the SCOUTS-L list places your name on the list which will allow you to receive all postings to the SCOUTS-L list and to post messages to the list. To subscribe by e-mail, you should send a 1 line message FROM THE ACCOUNT YOU WISH TO USE FOR POSTING AND RECEIVING MESSAGES to the Scouts-L LISTSERV system, at LISTSERV@Scouts-L.COM or LISTSERV@LISTSERV.BESTEFFORT.COM, (either address will work), without any extra headings or signature lines. This message should be as follows:


Please USE YOUR ACTUAL NAME and email address where it says "your name" and "YOURUSERNAME@YOURDOMAIN.COM". Handles and pseudonyms are not accepted on SCOUTS-L. We expect all members of the list to truthfully identify themselves.  Your email address is taken from the "FROM" line of your email heading.

After you send the command, you will get an e-mail reply acknowledging the command, followed almost immediately by a second reply, with a link and instructions on how to confirm your request.  You MUST respond as directed in the message, to confirm your subscription.  This is done to ensure the list is not joined by spammers and automatic posting systems. Once the request to join is confirmed, you will get a short note with some instructions on how to post and receive messages, and another message with our welcoming letter.  

Your account will be initially set with the following default settings:

MAIL           You are sent individual postings as they are received
FULLHDR        Full (normal) mail headers
REPRO          You receive a copy of your own postings
NOACK          No acknowledgement of successfully processed postings
NOFILE         You do not receive a copy of files sent to the list
REVIEW         Your postings are forwarded to a moderator for approval

To change the settings (other than Review), see the information here

All accounts are set initially for REVIEW (moderation), i.e. Messages that new members send are forwarded only to a moderator for review, and will only be posted after the moderator releases them to the list. Once you have been a member for a few weeks, and the moderators have seen that you are following the posting guidelines, the moderation flag will be removed.  If you are still being moderated after an extended period, contact one of the moderators to have this done.

Note:  If your e-mail account is hacked, and/or spam messages (such as advertisements or blank messages containing only unidentified links to foreign websites) are sent to the list, your account will be placed into moderated status until the issue is resolved.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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