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Scouts-L Subscription Options

All new accounts are initially set with the following default settings:

MAIL           You are sent individual postings as they are received
FULLHDR        You get messages with full (normal) mail headers
REPRO          You receive a copy of your own postings
NOACK          You do not get acknowledgement of successfully processed postings
NOFILE         You do not receive a copy of files sent to the list
REVIEW         Your postings are forwarded to a moderator for approval

To change the settings (other than Review), or to get information  about your account, send an email to with one (or more) of the following commands in the body of the email. Remember that there is nobody physically at this address, so don't write a note, just use one of these commands. (The commands are in all capitals - don't send the description which appears to the right of the command.)

WHAT YOU SEND Description
SUBSCRIBE SCOUTS-L your name Change the name on the account.
UNSUBSCRIBE SCOUTS-L Close your SCOUTS-L account. (This will stop all future mail from the list and remove your authorization to send messages to the list.) Send this from the same email account that you used when you subscribed.
SET SCOUTS-L NOMAIL Stop list mail temporarily without closing the account or preventing you from posting messages.
SET SCOUTS-L DIGEST Turn ON the digest feature (One email message per day, containing copies of all messages sent on the previous day.
SET SCOUTS-L MAIL To turn ON individual mail again (change from DIGEST or NOMAIL)
SET SCOUTS-L REPRO To receive a copy of your postings (this is the default setting)
SET SCOUTS-L NOREPRO To stop receiving a copy of your postings
QUERY SCOUTS-L To see your distribution options
INDEX SCOUTS-L Get an index of SCOUTS-L archive log files.  Each file contains a copy of all messages sent to the list in a calendar month, starting with March, 1990.
GET SCOUTS-L LOGyymm Get a particular log file. Use the last two digits of the year and two digits for the month instead of yymm (e.g. for May, 1998, use LOG9805, and for November, 2006, use LOG0611.)

You can also adjust your settings by logging on the web interface with this URL:  You'll need to create a password, if you haven't done so already.  Once you create a password and log in, you will be able to see and adjust all of your settings.  Just click  on "SCOUTS-L, then on "SUBSCRIBE OR UNSUBSCRIBE"

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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